The fundamentals of Iyengar Yoga are taught in standing and sitting postures, beginning backbends, balancings and, for those who are ready, inversion postures such as shoulderstand (sarvangasana). Breath awareness is also introduced. New students should enroll in this class or the combined Level I / II class.
Level III:
More intermediate yoga postures such as peacock pose (pincha mayurasana), handstand (adho mukha vriksasana) and stronger backbends such as upward bow (urdva dhanurasana) are practiced. Students are challenged to work with more subtle, detailed attention to the mind and body.
“As long as you are maintaining that stable mind in all the upheavals of the emotional life, for me, that is Samadhi (enlightenment).”
Foundational Iyengar work is extended into more beginning and intermediate-level poses, and students who are capable are introduced to headstand (sirsasana), more pranayama (breath control) work, and are invited to work more intensely. Understanding of fundamentals is deepened.